Speech-Language Therapists are the specialists in identifying and advising if your child has a speech and/or language delay.
Know the red flags - and seek advice if you need to. Effective communicaiton is key for children to access the world and to form relationships. For this reason - we know that early identification and intervention for speech and language difficulties is essential!
Talk to a Speech Therapist if your child...
- does not use 2-6 words consistently
- has minimal engagement with others, including eye contact, smiling, pointing, etc.
- is not using babble or vocalizations that contain several different consonants and vowels
- does not gain the attention of others
- does not recognize or respond to the name of common objects
- is not responding when his/her name is spoken
Talk to a Speech Therapist if your child...
- does not use approximately 50 words consistently
- is unable to point to common body parts
- has difficulty following simple directions such as “go get it”, “come here”, etc.
- is not using greetings/farewells (“bye bye”)
- is not having back-and-forth interaction with others, such as smiling, laughing, cooing, babbling, or playing
Talk to a Speech Therapist if your child...
- is not using 200-300 words consistently
- is not understood in at least 50% of the time
- is not using 2-word phrases (e.g., “Daddy gone”)
- does not play with other children
- is having difficulty following 2-step commands (e.g., “Give me the ball and give Daddy the car.”)
- does not point to named objects or pictures
Talk to a Speech Therapist if your child...
- does not use 1000 words consistently
- is not understood at least 75% of the time
- does not understand simple colors and sizes (“big/little”)
- does not respond to simple “who, what, where” questions
- does not use 2-, 3-, and 4- word phrases/sentences
- is not turn-taking or playing with others
- is not saying the beginning or ending of words (“hou” for “house”)
Talk to a Speech Therapist if your child...
- is not at least 90% understandable when speaking (sound errors may are still expected but should affect intelligibility)
- does not use sentences consistently
- is not yet asking questions
- is not naming letters or numbers
- is unable to tell a short story
- does not follow multi-step directions without the use of gestures or pointing
- Repetitive movements with objects, arms, hands, etc.
- Does not respond to people or sounds
- Stops saying or learning words
- Echoes (repeats) words or phrases over and over
- No imitation of sounds, words, or gesture
Are you concerned about your childs speech and language development? Contact our specialist speech therapy team for advice. https://www.giantleaps.nz/contact

Published by - Anna Keno. Speech Language Therapist (BSLT, MNZSTA, ATCL, ASB)